
Sports are competitive physical activities with official rules. Internal and external rewards motivate sports participants. The sociology of sport refers to the relationship between sport and society or social groups. Psychology involves your individual mental and behavioral adaptations to participate in sports .

The psychological aspects of sports form the sociology of sports, because the thoughts and behavior of multiple individual participants help define a group of participants as a whole. Next we are going to talk to you about psychology and sociology in sport so that you understand the importance it has in the life of any person.

Good character

Morality and good character are derived from a code of conduct introduced by society or groups in society. Participating in sports helps develop good character in people. Different skills , consistency and long-term satisfaction are developed .

Athletes must make sacrifices for the game and fight for honors and awards in the sports of their choice.  Participating in sports requires that you accept risks, such as the risk of losing, and that you overcome pain, doubt or negative impulses. Sports participation encourages optimism and discourages pessimism among participants by promoting positive possibilities and discarding limitations on possibilities.

Motivational achievement

Sports motivate achievement by directing your behavior toward optimistic results and away from detrimental results. Participants develop cognitive representations that guide you toward achievement goals. The achievement goal theory explains motivation in sports .

Mastery goals motivate sport participants to develop new skills, understand practice tasks, improve proficiency, or achieve a sense of mastery. Social comparison goals emphasize outperforming other participants or opponents, distinguishing yourself and outperforming normal performance, or achieving success with little effort.

Social integration

Agents of social integration in sports can include significant others, family members, peers, teams, and coaches. Your emotional relationship with these people can encourage people to participate or perform acceptably in sports. 

The psychological aspects of sport support social integration. Sports enforce rules of conduct and violating sports rules prevents you from participating in sports with others. Cheating, fouling, poor sportsmanship, and violence are examples of rule violation in most sports.  Violating the sports rules suggests that you are detrimental to the group and therefore it is not viable for you to participate if you do not have a good spirit of group cooperation … seeking the common good.

Survival skills

Playing sports invokes and develops survival skills that are unique to humans. Sports can introduce chasing or rough play that helps you develop a strong body and perform coordinated movements. 

Sports that involve game planning like soccer or basketball require constructive play.  We are social creatures and sports teach us to overcome urges by requiring cooperation with others. Sports can develop your imagination by requiring you to think about things that are not immediately present. Athletes can imagine visualizing successful performance, playing strategies, or improving skills.

As you can see, sport is much more than sport … it is much more than being physically well or doing it to improve health. Sport unites people or disunites them if they do not know how to follow implicit rules of good equipment, respect and communication. If you do group sports you will know very well what we are talking about, and if you want to improve yourself inside and out … then, do not hesitate to start doing sports. 

Elle Mcdonald

I am Elle Mcdonald Specializations in Psychology . Graduated in psychology from the University of Tennessee in 2000. Diploma of Advanced Studies in the Department of Personality, Evaluation and psychological treatments with excellent results.

First Level of Master in Clinical Psychology at the Center for Behavioral Therapists (recognized with a scientific-professional nature by the College of Psychologists)

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