There are people who inadvertently hate themselves and, worst of all, limit their own life with negative thoughts. Self-hatred influences many aspects of daily life, in fact, it can become so intense that it prevents people from being able to make decisions, take advantage of opportunities, achieve their goals or have healthy interpersonal relationships.

When someone experiences self-hatred, their relationship with themselves can be painful and confusing. Self-concept consists of the words we use to describe ourselves. Understandably, someone with self-hatred often has a negative concept of their person using statements related to worthlessness, shame, and hopelessness.  Self-esteem is also in jeopardy, as self-esteem describes how we feel about ourselves, such as our feelings of worth or worth.

Self-hatred can also affect work . When a person feels worthless or incapable he is less likely to be motivated to work cooperatively with others, he disparages his own work.

In general, when someone feels self-hatred and treats himself badly with negative thoughts, it will also affect friendships, family relationships, relationships, life projects and even the most insignificant decision-making.

Stop hating yourself!

Living with self-hatred is exhausting. The good news is that there are steps you can take to calm your inner critic, defuse the negative storm, and move forward in a positive way.

Challenge your negative thoughts

If you struggle to hate yourself, your inner critic may feel relentless, and you may begin to believe the statements that you constantly feed on about yourself, your abilities, and your worth. The statements in this hateful narrative begin to feel like fact when they really aren’t.

The time has come to start realizing where those thoughts are coming from and stop them in their tracks every time they appear in your mind. Criticizing yourself is neither useful nor necessary.

Think about your strengths

Instead of weakening yourself with negative thoughts, take the time you need to identify your strengths. If you have trouble discovering them on your own, ask other people for help . You will be amazed at how much good you are capable of doing.

Accept the compliments

When you have a negative view of yourself and you get used to talking negatively, if someone compliments you it can make you feel uncomfortable. It can be easy to dismiss compliments by minimizing ourselves or minimizing the compliment in some way to help you not feel so vulnerable in those moments.

But you must learn to accept compliments, and it’s as easy as saying ‘thank you’ without following up with a ‘but’ or a self-critical response. Practicing this will help you realize all the good things you have.

Be compassionate to yourself

People who struggle with self-hatred may find it easy to be compassionate and forgiving of others without having compassion for themselves. In fact, the idea of ​​self-pity can seem impossible or confusing to someone who is used to living with a relentless inner critic.

Rather than ruthlessly judging and criticizing yourself for various shortcomings or flaws that you think you have, self-compassion means that you can be kind and understanding when faced with personal faults. After all, who is perfect in this life? Nobody!

Forgive yourself

Maybe you hate yourself for mistakes made in the past, for having felt emotions such as anger, guilt, shame or helplessness. It is time for you to learn to forgive yourself and accept who you are and how you are.

But remember, if there is something about you that you do not like, you are always in time to find the necessary skills to improve yourself! 

Elle Mcdonald

I am Elle Mcdonald Specializations in Psychology . Graduated in psychology from the University of Tennessee in 2000. Diploma of Advanced Studies in the Department of Personality, Evaluation and psychological treatments with excellent results.

First Level of Master in Clinical Psychology at the Center for Behavioral Therapists (recognized with a scientific-professional nature by the College of Psychologists)

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